There are many species of Stored Product Insects, but the most common are:
They are typically attracted to dried and stored goods of plant and animal origin, such as cereals, milk powder, ropes, tobacco, and dried fruit. They can be distinguished by their colour and their size, which ranges from 1 to 9 mm in length.
You will find:
Make sure that the food you buy is not contaminated with Stored Product Insects by thoroughly checking the item. You can also make sure you purchase goods from a distributer or manufacturer with stringent food quality standards.
As Pest Management Professionals, we will determine the source of infestation. In most cases we would recommend the immediate disposal of the infested goods before they cross-infest other products. A residual spray around the area will minimise cross-infestation. Pheromone traps can also be installed to attract these insects and to monitor the situation.
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