How to Treat a Mosquito Bite

No matter how hard you try to hide, it is challenging to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. Mosquito bites on your skin can look like small red dots or raised bumps. This depends on the age of the mosquito bite and your sensitivity level.

If you are lucky, the bite will not look noticeable, but you will still have to face the severe consequences. Regardless of how a mosquito bite looks, it always feels terrible – thanks to the itching, pain and sometimes diseases like malaria and dengue fever.

Wondering how you can avoid this? Well, you can take a few simple steps, and you will definitely feel better even if you have a mosquito bite. In this article, you will find a surfeit of different ways you can treat a mosquito bite.

Remedies to Treat a Mosquito Bite

Do Not Scratch Your Mosquito Bite

First thing first, do not scratch! This is common sense, and you have probably heard this over and over again, but still, you cannot resist scratching your mosquito bites. Undoubtedly, the top advice for treating a mosquito bite is to avoid scratching.

When you get bitten by a mosquito, the skin around the bite site rises and forms a bump. This makes the skin prone to breaking when you are scratching mindlessly. Broken skin creates openings that attract bacteria and increase the chances of infection. An infected mosquito bite will be red, hot, and swollen.

You can try to relieve the itch by washing the mosquito bite with soap and water. This will also help prevent further infection.

Apply an Anti-Itch Cream or Lotion

Now that you know what you should not do let’s look at what you should do. One of the best ways to treat a mosquito bite is to leave it alone. But how can you leave your bite alone if it is constantly itching? Thankfully, there are ways to stop the itch.

Invest in a good quality anti-itch cream to calm the irritated skin. Hydrocortisone cream and calamine lotion are the best options for an effective anti-itch cream. You can find both these remedies at your local pharmacy. Follow the label instructions for the application.

If you want a numbing effect, choose ointments that contain benzocaine or lidocaine. Note that some ingredients, such as hydrocortisone products, can have unwanted effects on young children. So, be sure to talk to a physician before applying them to kids.

Make a Natural Homemade Paste

No time to make a stop at the pharmacy? No problem! You can make a super easy DIY paste at home to attain the same soothing effect that over-the-counter products provide. If you start exploring DIY mosquito bite remedy options, you will be surprised how some easy home remedy tricks can offer relief from mosquito bites.

One of the easiest remedies is to mix water and baking soda to create a thick paste. Apply small amounts of this mixture to your bite sites, and you will enjoy a soothing effect. You can repeat this as many times as you require to maintain such an effect.

Apply a Cold Compress

Did you know cold compresses can help you treat much more than sore muscles? Yes! Icing your body is not just a solution for sore muscles! It can help reduce or entirely eliminate itching too. It can bring down any inflammation, which in turn reduces irritation and itchiness. Apply an ice pack to the bite site. This will numb the nerves around the bite and result in a much milder itch. You can soak a washcloth in ice water, prepare a cool bath, or use an ice pack to relieve your irritation.

Take Oral Antihistamines for Allergic Reactions

It is surprising how your own immune system is what triggers such severe itchiness when a mosquito bites you. But, of course, the intensity of itchiness will depend on how allergic your body is to mosquito bites.

Discomfort from mosquito bites is often a result of an allergic reaction. You can reverse the reaction by taking an antihistamine. Antihistamines reduce itchiness, welting, and swelling which are commonly associated with mosquito bites. In addition, you can try non-drowsy over-the-counter medicines for quick relief from itchy bites.

Mosquito bites are generally harmless, but it is essential to understand when you should consult a doctor. Contact a healthcare professional immediately if you are experiencing vomiting, nausea, headaches, or joint pain. You must also see your doctor urgently and start taking antibiotics as prescribed if you notice any signs of infection.

Dab Rubbing Alcohol for Quick Relief

Many people find that applying rubbing alcohol is a helpful remedy for mosquito bites. It is ideal for anyone looking for quick relief from discomforts associated with a mosquito bite. As rubbing alcohol evaporates quickly, it offers a short-term yet instant cooling effect. This helps relieve itchiness, but the results are temporary.

Note that you should only use a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Using too much rubbing alcohol can irritate your skin and even burn it.

Apply a Lemon Balm

Applying a cream with lemon balm essential oils is a time-honoured herbal remedy for mosquito bites. In addition, lemon balm essential oils have ingredients to help soothe inflammation.

The cream can not only accelerate healing but can also lower the chances of your mosquito bite getting infected. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor first before using this product to determine the correct dosage and ensure it is safe to use.


A mosquito bite may not be a very serious health concern, but it surely is an unpleasant ordeal. How itchy the bites are will depend on how allergic you are to bites. You can reduce or eliminate itchiness and inflammation by taking antihistamine tablets. There are also a few easy DIY remedies that can help you alleviate the discomforts associated with mosquito bites. You may get temporary relief by applying lemon balm creams or rubbing alcohol. Cold compresses also feel great on bites. There are several other ways to reduce itchiness, such as using homemade pastes or over-the-counter anti-itch creams. The most important thing to remember is never to scratch your mosquito bites, no matter which method you choose.

While you cannot totally avoid a mosquito bite, you can indeed reduce the chances of getting bitten by ensuring there are no mosquitoes in your house. Getting pest control done regularly is the key to keeping the mosquitoes out of your home.

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